SirRent autorent, soodne autorent

Customer service

+372 565 1353

Main Office

Tatari 56, 10134 Tallinn, Estonia

Rental Terms

ATTENTION! Parking and speeding tickets will be charged in double!!!

The agreement (hereinafter the Agreement) has been concluded upon vehicle (hereinafter the Vehicle) lease between the Lessor and the Lessee as follows requirements to the Lessee and his obligations.

  1. The Lessee has to be older than 21 years, to possess a valid driving license and at least two years of driving experience.
  2. The Lessee shall be obliged to maintain the Vehicle on good manners. Use of leased Vehicles for illegal purposes as towing, racing practice, etc. is prohibited. It is prohibited to use the Vehicle outside officially marked roads. The car may be equipped with a positioning device.
  3. The Lessee shall be obliged to drive the Vehicle personally and not to give the Vehicle into use of third-person without written consent of the Lessor.
  4. The Lessee shall be liable for all caused damages to the extent of deductible liability mentioned in this Agreement. The Lessee liability is 400 EUR. In case the Vehicle shall be damaged due to negligence or respective conscientious negligent performance of the Lessee. The Lessee shall be totally liable for the caused damages in their whole extent, in spite of the deductible liability clause mentioned in this Agreement. The Lessee shall be totally liable for the caused damages also in case the damages shall be caused due negligence towards the obligations stipulated with this Agreement and in case the Lessee has used the Vehicle under influence of alcohol or other narcotic substances, for criminal purposes. Etc.
  5. In case of theft of the vehicle, the Lessee shall be obliged to return the respective documents and keys to the Lessor, otherwise the Lessee shall be totally responsible for the theft of the Vehicle. For the time of repair of defects caused to the Vehicle, the Lessee shall be obliged to pay rent payment as for one (1) day repair = one (1) day use of rental Vehicle, but not more than for 30 days. For lost keys, documents or flat tires, penalty payment shall be paid by the Lessee in the extent of 100 EUR. Place and extent of repairs shall be determined by the Lessor.
  6. The Lessee shall be liable for the damages caused to the Vehicle by third persons
  7. The Lessee shall be obliged to make an advance payment in accord with lease period applied for. The Lessor has the right to claim a warranty payment in the extent of personal liability amount mentioned in this Agreement.
  8. The rent payment shall not include fuel price. The Vehicle shall be transferred to the Lessee and returned to the Lessor with full tank. In case the Vehicle shall be returned with the half-full tank, the cost on missing fuel and service fee for filling of 10 EUR shall be claimed from the Lessee.
  9. The Lessee shall be obliged to supervise the technical order of the Vehicle (oil, coolant, brake fluid level, inner and outer lightening, tyre pressure, etc.)with the lease period. The mentioned maintenance expenses proceeding from normal amortization of the vehicle, shall be covered by the Lessor.
  10. The Lessor shall not be responsible for the expenses which will emerge from termination of the trip of the Lessee due to breakdown of the Vehicle or its technical failure.
  11. In case of an accident, injury, damage of rental Vehicle or theft of its parts, the Lessee shall be obliged to inform the Police and the Lessor immediately. Additionally , the Lessee shall be obliged to present the Lessor a written explanation upon the accident within 24 hours from the respective accident day.
  12. The Durance of the rental day is 24 hours. Allowed mileage per one rental day is 400 km or 4000 km per month. The Lessee shall be obliged to return the Vehicle to the Lessor according to terms of the lease period stipulated in this Agreement at agreed location and time. In case of delay in return of the Vehicle, the Lessee shall be obliged to pay rent payment upon triple tariff for the delayed time and the Lessee shall also be responsible for the economic loss of the Lessor caused by such delay.
  13. Unpaid parking penalty will charget twice.
  14. Transfer of the leased Vehicle out of the Republic of Estonia without written consent of the Lessor is prohibited.

Renting Freedom!
Cheap Car Rental in Estonia!

For Client

Rental Agreement


Main Office

If you would like to rent or return a vehicle outside working hours, please arrange this in advance by e-mail or by contacting us.

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